Monday, June 29, 2009

Graduation Time--Again!

Well, Zeb is finally finished with school- 4 years of medical school and a 4 year dual residency in internal medicine and pediatrics--we have been to our fair share of graduations, but these were extra special and fun!
Here are the guys that finished in Zeb's program along with their program director. Ryan Nerland, Zeb, Jimmy Stewart (aka Boss) and Anthony Gannon

We did the formal dinners at Shapleys and the Country Club--delicious and fun! But, they also had a little less than formal one at Hal and Mal's last Monday. Their nurse at clinic is also on the MS Blues Association Board and he held a concert for them.

Here was the invitaion...
Before we went, we had to make sure we were full so we enjoyed dinner at Margaritas!

Conner (Jimmy and Mary Ellen's oldest)--he just joined us for dinner
sorry this picture is so dark --Jason, Jericho, me, and Johann

Ryan and Cherelene

Megan, Ben (new intern), and Kevin
Here was the blues band playing. Anthony (the nurse) is on bass guitar. They were so good. Different people jumped in and sang songs. Some songs that we knew and some that we didn't. We will definitely be going back one Monday night! Fun and relaxing!

1 comment:

laura said...

Congratulations, Dr. Henson!!