Friday, April 6, 2012

Must do Easter Project

I saw this several weeks ago and couldn't wait for the kiddos to get out of school so we could try it.  Besides trying to explain to my super literal kiddos that Jesus is not like a marshmallow that we are just using it to represent him, it went great!  It would be easy to do on Sunday morning too!  We just leave for church at 7:30 and I can't add one more thing to do other than get everyone ready!

This is what you need. And  a couple of cute kiddos!

I read from the Luke where Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked for Jesus's body.  Then I read about how the women covered him in perfume and spices.

Roll the marshmallow (His body) in melted butter and cinnamon (perfumes and spices). And put in crescent roll (tomb). Bake according to directions on crescent roll.

I didn't tell the girls what would be happening. I just cut the roll in two.

Sara Beth announced with much excitement "He is risen".  My response---"indeed"!