Monday, January 23, 2012


Sam, I am so far behind!  You turned 18 months on January 2nd and I am just now getting around to doing your post.  Your 18 month check up was last week and you are 33 inches (a little over 75%), and 23 pounds (15%)!  You are the sweetest thing ever! You absolutely love your daddy.  If he is home when you need to be comforted you run right past me to him!  You also adore your sisters.  You play well with them and try your best to keep up with them.  Sometimes this means carrying around a baby doll while wearing beads--yikes!  That's okay though because you love cars and balls.  Your favorite right now is a remote control tractor you got for Christmas.  You LOVE to read.  You bring me books throughout the day.  Your favorite is Roadwork.  This just makes me smile real big, because Dub was a highway man, and he would be so proud! You are a real good eater.  You easily eat more than your sisters.  You go to sleep about 6:30 and wake up about 7:30 (sometimes later!).  You still take 2 naps every day.  When you are home you jabber all the time.  Not so much when you are in public.  You have a lot of words, but only one sentence--"I want ____".  This may be  I want up, dip (you like to dip your food in stuff), to read,your paci, or even your drink.  You are wearing 24 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. My May and Bo Bo gave you some boots for Christmas and you love them.  Actually you like having shoes on in general. You have started throwing fits when you don't get your way.  They are so funny-even though they aren't.  I think you are slowly catching on that you don't get what you want in our house in you throw a fit! We love you so much! You sure do add a lot to our family! 

First ride in Bo Bo's convertible

playing cars with Trey Adams at gymnastics
I was really so proud of you for sharing!

 This just absolutely melts my heart!

I love this pic and it was taken with my iphone with no editing!


Jen said...

so sweet...he's precious.

Anonymous said...

I love you Sam!

Anonymous said...

Sam you are growing so fast. I love you too. Honey