Monday, October 10, 2011

Sam you are 15 months old.  Actually you were on the 2nd, but you had the official appointment today.  You are 22 pounds (25th%) and 31 1/2 inches (75 %).  I am so proud of your little belly and your semi chuncky legs! 
You are wearing size 3 diapers and 12 month clothes.  Your fall clothes are 18 months and they don't look too big!
You are very busy as you can see from the pictures. You never stop and just play all the time.
You still love to go on long walks with me and you usually sleep most of the time.
You eat ALL the time!  It is amazing!  You are a real good eater--you love fruit and veggies.  But, you do not like french fries or any other kind of potato, rice, or pasta. Breakfast foods seem to be your favorite!
You have started talking a lot--you jabber all day, but we are starting to be able to pick out a few words. dat (that), dere (there), ook (look), ball, mo mo mo mo (more), and some  two syllable sound that you repeat everytime for thank you
(if anyone has heard anymore leave a comment so I can add to the list!)
You love being outside and throw a fit everytime we have to come in.
You love music and sing often in the car.   Favorites seems to be "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" and "Jesus in the Morning".
You could swing all day inside or outside.  We don't have an inside swing anymore, but it is your favorite thing to do at the church nursery.  We often stop by the park while waiting on your sisters for a quick swing time!
I'm sure I'm leaving some big things off so will have to come back and add more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam says bird too. Maybe he'll say honey soon. Love you Sam. Honey