Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fun in the Sun

We are loving this weather!

Needless to say, the girls are a little tired from all of our travels and are having a difficult time getting back to reality. Tuesday was one of those days, but it just so happened to also be my birthday. We had Sara Beth's end of the year party, but other than that it was a fairly normal day. The girls were pretty cranky after nap. At some point during the day I texted Zeb and told him we should rethink dinner. I had wanted us to go out as a family since we had been apart so much, but I wasn't so sure after the day. We went to Cock-of-the-Walk. The entire way you could here us saying, "girls, we are going to be happy and we are going to have fun..." We never believed that we would...

But...the girls were great and it was a wonderful birthday dinner! Sara Beth wanted to sit beside her daddy. Around the corner was not close enough. Poor Zeb had a tiny corner for his plate!
Can you see all the grease on her face? She loved it!

At the beach

Part of the Henson family went to the beach last week--Chase and Laura are going this next week and Zeb had to work. Hopefully next year we will be able to coordinate better. I am so glad I was able to take the girls down for a few days.

All four girls in the bath

This is the best picture I could get of the girls on the beach

Leigh had her first piece of corn on the cob--she doesn't like it on or off the cob even though the picture might disagree with that

SB the WWII pilot

The Caribe is the best place for little children. Leigh had a great time playing on this wall.

Uncle Frank is always a lot of fun!

Leigh was definitely a G's girl on the trip

They even had a birthday cake for me--thanks so much!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I wanted to let y'all know about a new business that has been started by a friend. It is Short Cakes. Their blog is I have linked them on the side, so please check out their blog when you see it has been updated. They have some very creative cakes and very resonable prices! CHECK THEM OUT!


We also had the opportunity to go to Napa. We drove from Carmel to Napa and the view is amazing. California is so unique. We are driving with the Pacific on one side and mountains on the other. Then we go through artichoke, strawberry and lettuce farms. Then we would drive through a big city. All of this within a couple of hours.

A view of the grapes in a row

We stayed in a neat bed and breakfast and we were spoiled rotten with amzing food. Our room was actually redecorated on Trading Spaces. Therefore, I felt that I needed to take a few pictures.

Zeb's favorite part of the B and B-a pull down movie screen in the room
grapefruit and orange trees were outside our room

We went to a couple of wineries. They were very interesting and informing. I will post more later on these.

I have so many more pictures to post in California, but it will have to wait until next week because I am taking the girls to the beach for a few days to hang out with some of Zeb's family! Then I should be home for a while!!!

Zeb and I had a wonderful time in California last week. We were gone 9 days--we really missed the girls--but we had a great time! My favorite place was Carmel. It was so foggy, but it finally cleared so we could see the beautiful view. I had two songs playing continually through my head: "This is My Father's World" and "What a Mighty God we Serve." Both of those songs are so true. God created a beautiful world for us to enjoy here--just imagine what heaven will be like!!

foggy Camel

Lone Cypress which is the Pebble Beach logo

We had so much fun on the 17 mile drive. A must do if you ever visit. We stopped at almost all of the stops along the way.
Pebble Beach Golf Course

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby to Toddler

Zeb and I went to California for 9 days--mostly for fun, but for a little work. I gave Zeb's mom a baby girl and my mom gave me back a toddler. I don't know what they did, but they did too much!!!!

For starters, Leigh started walking. Now, Zeb and I both saw her first steps 4 or 5 weeks ago at Wednesday night dinner at church--but since then she had done no more than 2 or 3 steps. While we were gone she started walking. There is video below. I have tried 3 times to turn the video and can't, so just turn your head to the right to see her!

Also, she came back with several more words. She can say "tickle, tickle, tickle" as she is tickling you. She can also say diaper, love you, and Babalou (the name my dad calls her).

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Not So Easy Dentist Trip

This dentist thing isn't so bad...

My tongue is strong enough to keep anything out of my mouth...just ask my Mommy...What are you doing to me? This is terrible!
Poor little Leigh had to go to the dentist and of course she doesn't understand a thing that is going on. She didn't like it at all, but we really needed a baseline with her since her tongue is pushing her teeth forward! Thank goodness we only have to do this every six months!